

       1. Pan, S., Fan, C., Zhao, B.*, Jin, Y.* (preprint) Can Large Language Models Exhibit Cognitive and Affective Empathy as Humans?

       2. Duan, S., Yang, Y., Li, K., Zhao, B.* (preprint) Characterizations of Voluntary and Involuntary Imagery in Aphantasia

       3. Zhang, Z., Liu, Y., Yang, J.,... Zhao, B.* (preprint) Effects of age and gender on the vividness of visual imagery: a study with the Chinese version of the VVIQ (VVIQ-C)


  1. Della Sala, S., Zhao, B. (2024) The devil is in the method details. Comment on 'Visual mental imagery: Evidence for a heterarchical neural architecture' by Spagna et al. Physics of Life Reviews, 49, 97-99. 
  2. Zhao,B.*, Della Sala, S., Zeman, A., Gherri, E. (2022). Spatial transformation in mental rotation tasks in aphantasia. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review,29, 2096–2107.
  3. Zhao, B.*, Della Sala, S., & Gherri, E. (2019). Age-associated delay in mental rotation processing. Psychology and Aging, 34(4), 502-511.
  4. Zhao, B.*, & Della Sala, S. (2018). Different representations and strategies in mental rotation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(7), 1574-1583.


  1. Zhao, B.*, Della Sala, S., Gherri, S. (2023). Planar and non-Planar Rotation occurring Temporally Different for Different Rotation Angle in Mirror Rotation. Biological Psychology,182(15)108650
  2. Ma.D., ..., Zhao, B. *, Li, W.  (2023). The rapid change in mental health among college students after introduction of on-campus quarantine during the 2022 Shanghai COVID-19 lockdown. Frontiers in Public Health, 11.
  3. Zhao, X., Zhao, B., Li, W., Cai, Y., Shi, W., Li, C. (2021). Autistic traits and gender modulate emotion changes before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Current Psychology,  41, 8181–8191.
  4. Gherri, E., Zhao, B., & Ambron, E. (2021). Behavioural and Electrophysiological evidence for the effect of target-distractor separation in a tactile search task. Biological Psychology, 162(8):108098.
  5. Hong, X., Chen, Y. Wang, J., Shen, Y., Li, Q., Zhao, B., Guo, X., Feng, W., Wu, W., & Li, C. (2021). Effects of multi-domain cognitive training on working memory retrieval in older adults: behavioral and ERP evidence from a Chinese community study. Scientific Reports, 11(1):1207.
  6. Gu, N., Li, H., Cao, X., Li, T., Jiang, L., Zhao, B., Luo, C. & Li, C. (2021). Different Modulatory Effects of Cognitive Training and Aerobic Exercise on Resting State Functional Connectivity of Entorhinal Cortex in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 13: 655245
  7. Zhao, B.*, Gherri, E., & Della Sala, S. (2020). Age effects in mental rotation are due to the use of a different strategy. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 27(3), 471-488.
  8. Zhao, B.*, Zhu, C., & Della Sala, S. (2019). Which properties of the visual stimuli predict strategy in mental rotation? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,61(5), 683–689.
  9. Zhao, B.*, Della Sala, S., & Gherri, E. (2019). Visual imagery vividness and mental rotation of characters: an event related potentials study. Neuroscience Letters, 703, 19-24.
  10. Zhao, B.*, & Della Sala, S. (2018). Different representations and strategies in mental rotation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(7), 1574-1583.
  11. Zhao, B.* (2014). Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience of Arithmetic Ability: Implication for Math Training. Proceeding in International Symposium on cutting-edge research of Early Child Development, 164-171.
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  14. 段子敬, 赵冰蕾, 李春波,郭薇 . (2022). 基于特征融合方法的轻微认知衰退静息态脑电数据自动检测技术研究. 计算机立用研究 39(4): 1137-1142,1167
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